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CNC Capabilities Brochure, See Below | Home
Capabilities you
expect from a world-class
CNC house |
If a CNC resource calls itself exceptional, you should expect operation of some of the most advanced CNC equipment available, maintained with a passion.
You should assume use of 3D-modeling software and advanced CAD/CAM programming, like that provided by the latest Unigraphics systems; computer-simulated machining runs with all fine tuning performed in advance of machining center downloading; the acceptance of file transfer data and media in virtually any format, for a paperless workflow.
You should expect experienced attention to the design of all machining fixtures to assure optimum CNC cycle times before the first workpiece is cut; in-house design and assembly of specialized CNC-controlled machining cells when a dedicated series of operations is the most cost-efficient production solution.
You should take for granted employment of leading-edge measurement equipment to maintain the highest throughput and adherence to exacting quality levels; skilled personnel, schooled in on-line SPC documentation and action, and cross-trained in the operation of a wide range of CNC workcenters for total production flexibility.
These are the capabilities mobilized for you at CNC Technologies. But you also receive an important difference.
The Promise | The Difference | See index at left for other site locations
CNC Machining Technologies
649 North Route 83, Bensenville, Illinois, 60106 U.S.A.
Phone: 630-238-1390, Fax: 630-238-1393
For complete Facilities List, Click Here
To answer your questions or to arrange a visit, phone, fax,
or E-mail us at:
OEM engineers or specifiers wishing to receive a copy of our capabilities presentation, note your company, job title, job function and phone, and request "Capabilities Brochure" in your E-mail or fax.
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